- Protein is a very essential component of every human cell. hairs and nails are composed of this.
- But a human body uses this for the repair of the damaged tissue. Muscles are made up of layers of tissues over and over.
- When you work out in the gym and your muscles pump up which means your muscles are damaged and these muscles that you trained in the gym now need repair which is only possible when You consume protein and sleep 8 hours, i
- It is a component when we consume in the form of any food or in the form of whey powder (extracted from milk) then when you sleep it repairs your muscles and makes your muscle very slightly bigger in size than it is before and as the time passes you become a bodybuilder.
- Normally protein is present in egg whites, chicken breast(not whole chicken), milk, nuts, grains and oats, these are the foods that can be consumed on daily basis in a very low budget. But if You are interested in quick muscle repair then use whey powder from the market of only good quality.
- Whey powder contains only protein and not any other component and the benefits of using whey powder are that reduces the time towards your goals. But if someone can't afford whey then no problem because nature had created a lot of foods that are rich in protein and are affordable moreover can be consumed on a daily basis and in low prices.,
- These foods are normally present in every kitchen. Kitchens are incomplete if these foods are not present in them.
- Milk possesses two parts in it a solid and a liquid part Whey is actually the liquid part of the milk which plays a major role in muscle repair or muscle building it activates faster in the body and uses itself in repairing muscles at night.
- What is actually whey? To know visit whey
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