Friday, October 25, 2019

Why I am not getting muscles?

why I am not getting muscles ? is the very common question of many gym lovers. Being fitness lovers many people have this question in their minds, there are many reasons that some people are working out properly and for a long time even from years but they are not getting muscles. The main reasons are maybe your diet is not in the right way, remember that a proper diet is a key. Then some people come who say even we are with right diet and working out but not getting muscles? The second reason may be you workout is not proper remember workout should be proper in such a way that always train only one/two body part once a week every muscle needs rest of 48 hours after its training this time of 48 hours is the time when that muscle strands come to their original position in the body and grow when you sleep. The third type of people come and say even our workout plan is on the point but not getting muscles. No doubt some people are doing good and proper workout but not getting muscles because they are not taking proper rest of 8 hours at night, sleep is very important of 8 hours when you are a gym guy, because your muscles only grow when you sleep. Then the fourth type of people come and say even our diet, workout and rest is on the point but not getting muscles. Yes, because they are not growing their bodies in symmetry. Growing your body in symmetry means you are not training your whole body from head to toe within a week. There are thousands of people who are hitting the gym but not training their whole body, they only train those muscles which they love the most. Many people skip legs workout which is the most important workout for your fitness carrier. Always remember you will not get muscles until you train your legs, many fitness experts recommend that legs workout should be the first workout of the week because leg workout boosts your testosterone level which plays a major role in growing your muscles. Fitness experts recommend to train only two body parts or one once a week you can train two parts according to your choice but the prior combination by experts is legs+shoulder, biceps+triceps and back+abs. by keeping all this in your mind also remember that one or two days off from the gym is just so your body can get rest which is an extremely important thing. Chose right nutrition, proper workout, 8 hours of sleep, positive mindset, Stay calm, motivate yourself on your own and go ahead hit your goals. These are the major key factors that every fitness expert will suggest you or you will get by your life experience. To become successful in this field of passion you have to adopt this lifestyle otherwise go-home.

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