weight loss diet is a caloric deficit diet which means this diet possesses low calories in the whole day meals but it does not mean that extremely low calorie. Extremely low calories and extremely high calories are simply a destruction to the body metabolism and even to whole body regulations, so in diet, calorie calculator is the most important device and a big requirement in planning a
weight loss diet to calculate required calories a persons required in a whole day according to the weight of the person. The explanation to the calorie calculator is simply that it is a device that calculates the required calories of a person according to his/her weight. The professionals call it a BMR calculator, BMR stands for BASAL METABOLIC RATE. We just have to put our weight, height, and age in this device and it calculates and displays the required calories of a person to lose weight and it also tells the required calories of a person to gain weight. Digital BMR's now available in the market but if anybody here on the platform of
fit leans does not have BMR calculator then there is no problem you can calculate your BMR on your own

After going through BMR calculation you just have to note down you required calories per day and divide them into equally small portions on the basis of two hours interval from wake up time to bedtime. You have to consume that calorie in equal portions from morning to night at bedtime, for example, your BMR calories are 1000 then you have to consume 200 calories in the first meal and 200 calories in a second meal which is after 2 hours after the first meal and so on until you sleep.
weight loss diet possesses plenty of water in it you have to consume a minimum of 3 liters of water from wake up time to bedtime. weight loss is just losing weight not losing toxins and big fat molecules inside the body both are different terms, yes if you want to be shredded then fat loss term is important to carry on being shredded you have lean muscles and prominent abs though with 9% body fat. Always remember when your body fat is below 10 then your muscles will get lean and abs on prominent if you remember diet is the key.
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